Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Cluster Connections

Being in this Race and Culture cluster has been very beneficial for me these past weeks. It’s been easier to comprehend and have my own opinions on the topics due to the fact that each of my classes incorporates how race and culture play a part in our lives. In my English 101 class I have read books such as 'Slave and Citizen', 'Racial Formation', and 'Untouchables' which have helped me get a better understanding and see race from different perspectives. In 'Slave and Citizen' I learned that because of race the way people categorize others by their physical appearance affected African Americans. African Americans were slaves and weren't considered humans all because of the color of their skin. This is a perfect example of how the idea of race came about and how it affected many people as soon as categories and race came about. In 'Racial Formation' I learned the difference between a color blind society and color conscious society. I learned about ideology, paradigms, and racial formation. This book made a big connection with other conversations I had in my other classes especially in anthropology. In anthropology we have watched many films such as 'The Gran Torino', 'Bend it Like Beckham', 'On Becoming Human', 'Race and Illusion' etc. In these films I have learned the way that culture plays a part in what we define as race. People who have different customs, beliefs, or traditions are seen and treated according to what they practice. This connects with the readings from English 101. Learning about race and culture in English and Anthropology class ties in with what I learn in Sociology which talks about the way our society behaves when it comes to different races. Having a better understanding of our history and the way race and culture played a part helps me see why our society is so stereotypical of different people. Starting from the bottom with race in English 101 on readings like 'Slave and Citizen' have given me a better knowledge on why race has evolved into the idea that it is now. Overall I have learned that race in nonexistent. We have made race up by categorizing and making up these stereotypes that now exist. I have also learned that culture has a lot to do with the way people define race. The way that we classify is culturally. History has given these stereotypes meaning.

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